Diary and notebook, 1865-1881, of James F. Maury of New York City. Title on the preliminary page reads: "A few notes written upon what I see in Nature for the year A.D. 1865. The observations on the thermometer are usually taken at 5, 6, or 7 A.M., 1 or 2 P.M. & from 7 to 12 P.M." Diary, 1865 Jan. 9-1865 June 20, records Maury's daily observations on the weather, temperature, scenery, and general surroundings, with particular attention paid to sightings of birdlife and the variety of wildfowl available on a daily basis in the local city market. Volume also contains brief notes on hunting trips made by Maury in the New York area, 1866-1871, along with lists of travel expenses.